
Business Information

Starting a Business Checklist
ELSHAMMA & CO, C.P.A'sThis detailed checklist from the US Small Business Administration may help when you commence business operations.

U.S. Business Advisor
Billed as the one-stop electronic link to government for business, the U.S. Business Advisor is a collection of links to other government agencies. Topics include doing business with the government, international trade, finance, labor and employment, general business, and laws and regulations.

U.S. Department of Commerce
The depth and breadth of information at this site seems overwhelming, but its an incredible tool if you know what you’re looking for. It’s got links to the DOC’s 14 bureaus, including the Patent and Trademark Office, the Bureau of Export Administration, the Census Bureau, the International Trade Administration and the Technology Administration.

U.S. Small Business Administration
No matter what stage your business is at, you will find a wealth of information here on starting, running and expanding. Get step-by-step information on launching a business, find out about SBA loan programs, take an online course or register your business in Pro-Net for government contracting opportunities.

FAQ's for Small Business
Get answers to your questions! Use this FAQ to get insights into Marketing, Financial Statements and many more issues.

Tax Information

Internal Revenue Service
Get the lowdown on current Federal tax regulations and other tax information at the Internal Revenue Services Web site, where you can also download tax forms and instructions. Its Small Business Corner offers advice on starting and operating your own business.

Tax Guide for Small Business
RS information about taxes relevant for Small Businesses. A handy alphabetical index covering diverse topics aids effective navigation of this extremely useful publication.

Understand the Tax Intricacies of Business Expenses
IRS publication covering key aspects of Business Expenses. and the intricacies pertaining to Taxes, Insurance, Interest, Retirement Plans and many other areas.

Government Information

John Q. Public meets Uncle Sam at FedWorld. You will find a wealth of government and business information-everything from government standards to 17,000 trade-related documents and up-to-date analyses of major U.S. industries. Browse databases, download forms, purchase reports and link to scores of other related sites.

GovCon is a free service for businesses interested in obtaining government contracts. Once you register you will have access to The Commerce Business Daily; bidding, teaming and employment opportunities; searchable government regulations; electronic newsletters; an interactive advertiser yellow pages; and notification of upcoming seminars and trade shows on government contracting issues.

News Information

CNN Interactive
News sites do not get more thorough than this. You will find up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest news events, complete with audio, video, and tons of links to related stories and background material. CNN Remote delivers news updates to your Desktop every five minutes. A Customize feature helps you choose the news you want to see by letting you build your own profile or selecting a Quick start profile.

Forbes Digital Tool
Read up on the latest business news, then check out the Starting Your Own Business articles in The Small-Business Center for ideas and advice. The sites Small-Business Forum discussion areas give you a chance to learn from-and teach-your peers.



Reginald E. Scheu, CPA ● 4901 Vera Cruz Garland ● TX 75043 ● Phone: (972) 270-4519 